Survey for the players and provinces

about the Canadian horseshoe pitching championship format

(Note: works for sure with Explorer and Outlook Express)


Name (optional)

E-mail address

What is your CanStats average?

In which division do you play?
Men Women Juniors Senior 40' Senior 30' Senior ladies


1. What type of games would you prefer to play at the Canadian Championships?
a) 40-shoe games
b) point-games
c) point-games with a shoe-limit (ex: 30 point game limited to 40 or 50 shoes)
d) doesn't matter

2. Would you rather play in
a) a 8-player group, double round-robin?
b) a 16-player group, in a single round-robin?
c) doesn't matter

3. Would you prefer to play
a) at the same time every day even if it's at 8 or 9 in the morning or evening
b) at different times every day
c) doesn't matter

4. Do you think that
a) seeding players with CanStats works fine, or
b) would you prefer to play some preliminaries to then form classes
c) doesn't matter

5. About prize money, do your think the Championship classes players...
a) ...should all receive prize money
b) ...or be paid as in other groups (top half of the players receive prize money)
c) doesn't matter

6. For divisions where there are few entries (ex.: 6 overall). If the percentage spread is wide:
a) would you rather play in a group of 3 (like 6 times against the same two players)
b) or all together in the same group (playing 3 times against 5 different pitchers) even if there's a large percentage spread.
c) doesn't matter

Other Comments

Extra questions destined to the Provinces

Note: If you're not a provincial representative, and ready to send us your answers you can push the submit button below (bottom of the page)!


With the following questions we want to know "How you do it" in your regular tournaments and at your provincial championships

Type of games

Size of the groups:

Seeding the players

Prize money distribution

Do you agree with the following proposal?
a. Non-championship classes will be 40 shoe games:
Yes No
b. They will play in groups of 8 players, double round robin (this gives them 14 games-in a close percentage well-matched group)
Yes No

Last modified September 18, 2002
Horseshoe Canada Association