and Survey for the players and provinces

There was a special meeting in Calgary at the completion of the 2002 Canadian championships. It was held to discuss changes to be made to the Canadian championship format in order to facilitate the schedule and most of all relieve the volunteers that work at the Canadian championships. So here is what we, Jack E. Adams and Andre Leclerc, propose to the provinces to be implemented for next year.

What was proposed and carried at the meeting:
1) The championship classes play the last draw each day. This will ensure that if their games last a long time, it will not affect other classes.

The following stays the same as it was in the past:

2) The championship classes will play 40 point games
3) The championship classes will be seeded by Canstats with the provincial champions having the option of playing in this class.
4) The championship Mens and Womens will be 16 players, if percentages warrant.

The following suggestion is mostly the object of the consultation or survey we're submitting to you (next page). As discussed by Jack E. and Andre, if we want the groups to start on time and the tournament to run smoothly for the volunteers, then the other groups should play shoe games. Also we should ensure that everybody plays a decent number of games (say at least 12 games).

Therefore we suggest that...

5) Non-championship classes will be 40 shoe games
6) They would play in groups of 8 players, double round robin (this gives them 14 games-in a close percentage well-matched group)

Survey for the players and provinces

  1. The survey destined to the players is not a vote in itself but just a way for us to know the feelings of the players on some issues.
  2. The vote by the provinces on the proposal (40-shoe games for the other classes and 8-player groups) should be made separately. Each province shall vote on the first part (40-shoe games) and then a second vote on the other part (groups of 8 or not).
  3. The deadline for the provinces is December 31st, 2002. The result of their vote should be sent to Andre Leclerc (286, du Centaure, L'Epiphanie, Qc J5X 3K9).
  4. The survey for the players can be done through the internet (result sent automatically to Andre) or for those who don't have access to the internet, the survey can be made on sheet (provinces are invited to distribute it at their tournaments or in their newsletter). Answers can be regrouped by the province and sent to Andre or sent individually to Andre. Deadline should also be December 31st, 2002.
  5. The results of the players' survey will be compiled by Andre Leclerc and Jack E. Adams. It will not be considered as a vote but may be used for future decisions.

Last modified August 30, 2002
Horseshoe Canada Association

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