Last computed: Dec. 31, 2022

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610113 - William KITCHEKEESIK, BC (BC)

Canstats average: 1.79%

(based on top 3 percentages in last 12 months or out of last 10 played)

Date SanctionNb Tournament Venue Prov./St. Div. Class Pos. W L R. S.P. R%
2022-07-10 61-22-027 Abbotsford Summer Open Abbotsford BC Peewee A 4 3 5 3 160 1.88
2022-09-18 61-22-048 Lower Mainland Championships Abbotsford BC JrPW B 4 5 7 5 288 1.74
Total of 2 participations 8 12 8 448 1.79
Canstats Average - 3-Hi: 8 448 1.79

Check this player's summaries for: current year, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Note: Players who have changed division in recent years can find their former division's results by replacing (in the address bar) the first digit of their Canstats number (6) by a capital "C".